Bangkok-Chicago Christian International

Vision Statement

A Christ Centered Learning Community Intent on Restoring God’s World

Education Philosophy

Bangkok-Chicago Christian International develops in our students an awareness of the lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life. BCCI prepares students spiritually, socially, academically, culturally and physically to serve society wholeheartedly and to glorify God by honoring Him in all aspects of life.
Bangkok-Chicago Christian International (BCCI) is a new high school opening in the fall 2020 for Chinese, Thai, and other students of Asia. BCCI is a sister school to Southwest Chicago Christian Schools which is currently a PK-12 school system in the Chicagoland area and has a history of over 100 years. 

The BCCI academic curriculum program offered will mirror what is currently taught at SCCS. It will challenge, engage and prepare students for 21st century leadership and success. Integrated throughout all of their course work BCCI students will be taught from a Christ centered perspective and world view. They will learn what it means to live as a Christ Follower and to be life-long Seekers of Knowledge. They will develop a passion as Justice Seekers who, acting in love, reach across boundaries of race, religion, gender and politics to build relationships. BCCI students will also learn to be Caretakers of Creation. They will develop the necessary skills to be creative problem solvers in order to bring solutions where needed, both locally and globally. 

BCCI is in the process of hiring English-speaking teachers in all curriculum areas who are committed to Christ and who want to serve God in their teaching. We are looking for teachers who are able to build healthy, caring relationships with students and who want to have an influence on a different part of the world. We are seeking teachers who value collaboration with their peers and see themselves as continual learners. 

If you are interested in learning more about teaching at Bangkok-Chicago Christian International, please contact Terry Huizenga at 708.860.7731 or